Lab sustainability award

Recognizing pioneers of environmental sustainability in life science research

Application deadline: 14 March 2025 end of day (CET)


  • Applications are open to individuals working in or associated with the life sciences in any of the EMBC Member States and EMBO / EMBC global partners.
  • Applicants must represent a group initiative, defined as a collaborative entity comprising at least three individuals. Groups can include research labs, departments, multi-lab collaborations or consortia.
  • Applicants must be associated with a university, research institution or other non-profit organization.
  • The call for applications is open to individuals at any career stage and in a variety of roles.
  • Applicants must represent a project or initiative that is within the scope of the award.

The award is intended for a wide range of projects and initiatives aimed at contributing to the development of sustainable wet and dry labs with a focus on their environmental impact.

The scope of the project or initiative – from here “project” will mean both – may be at the level of the individual laboratory or much wider, given the systemic nature of the problem.

For example, the selected project may involve collaborative research leading to new interventions; it may have implemented best practices to reduce a lab’s environmental impact; changed current regulations; or it may have focused on outreach, networking, community development, sharing of best practices and behaviour change.

Eligible projects
  • Directly address the environmental impact of life science research, e.g. energy consumption or plastic recycling in the lab; development of certification programmes, standards, measurement tools or funding schemes to reduce a lab’s environmental footprint
  • Directly address the environmental impact of life science labs through research, e.g. development of new lab protocols with reduced environmental impact; studies investigating use, re-use and recycling of lab utensils
  • Are non-profit projects, e.g. from grassroots or top-down green lab initiatives and networks based in universities, research institutions or other non-profit organizations.
Ineligible projects
  • May indirectly affect the environmental impact of life science research, e.g. projects with focus on the construction sector or green office projects
  • May indirectly affect the environmental impact of life science labs through research, e.g. research on “plastic-eating” bacteria
  • Are for-profit projects, e.g. business projects with the intention of making a profit or commercial development.

If you are unsure whether your project is in the scope of the award, please contact us at .