A human-centric approach
Meet Gaëlle Legube, Principal Investigator at Centre National de Recherche Scientifique | EMBO Member | Former EMBO Young Investigator and Fellow
Facts and figures, life scientists in France, EMBO opportunities
Meet Gaëlle Legube, Principal Investigator at Centre National de Recherche Scientifique | EMBO Member | Former EMBO Young Investigator and Fellow
Meet Ilan Theurillat, Postdoctoral researcher at Max Delbrück Center, Berlin former EMBO Fellow
An interview with Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, Unit Head at the Institut Pasteur of New Caledonia | EMBO Member
France joined the EMBC as a member state in 1970. Life scientists in France are eligible for all EMBO Programmes supporting life scientists in Europe and beyond.
One of the key players in the European scientific landscape, France ranks ninth in the world in terms of scientific publications1. Supported by a well-structured science and innovation system, French research and development is funded through public agencies and carried out through various institutions, including the CNRS which is active in all fields of science, Inserm for medical research and Inria for data and computer science.
France also maintains a network of research institutes in 34 countries2. France hosts the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the European Space Agency (ESA), UNESCO, and the OECD. These institutions play a crucial role in France’s science and innovation landscape, contributing to its global research influence and fostering international collaboration.
With more than 3,500 public and private higher education institutions, France hosts nearly three million students a year3. The country has 72 public universities, including the University of Paris4 founded in 1150 and now one of the world’s oldest universities in continuous operation.
France spent 58.9 billion euros (2.22% of GDP)5 on research and development in 2021, representing a 1% increase from 2011 to 2021. Businesses are the main funders of R&D activities, accounting for 60% of R&D expenditure6. The French private sector benefits from national public funding and resources from international organizations that accounted for 11% of the funding of total business expenditure in 20217.
Population: 68.37 million8
R&D spending: 2.22% of GDP9
People employed in R&D: 496,250 full-time equivalent10
Patents: 66,44611
Higher education institutions: 3,50012
Higher education enrolment: 2,935,00013
Horizon 2020 funding:14
All life scientists in France are eligible for the EMBO Programmes supporting life scientists in Europe and beyond.
Find out about all EMBO funding schemes here.
All information as of August 2024.
Meet Gaëlle Legube, Principal Investigator at Centre National de Recherche Scientifique | EMBO Member | Former EMBO Young Investigator and Fellow
Meet Ilan Theurillat, Postdoctoral researcher at Max Delbrück Center, Berlin former EMBO Fellow
An interview with Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, Unit Head at the Institut Pasteur of New Caledonia | EMBO Member