Daniele is Senior Officer in the EMBO Fellowship Programme. A scientist by training, his major role is to screen postdoc fellowship applications when they come into the office, checking whether the projects meet the criteria and are within the scope of the programme. Project proposals are then passed onto the scientific committee who evaluate the applications and eventually decide who will be awarded with funding. Daniele and his colleagues are the main contact point for applicants, answering questions and supporting them throughout the application process and beyond – interactions that Daniele finds very fulfilling. “It is very rewarding to be able to support some of the best young minds in Europe to do their research,” he says. “It is great to see how they develop over the time they are in the programme. Maybe in 20 or 30 years they will make a breakthrough that will really impact their field and society. It is nice to think we played a part in that.” Daniele and his team are constantly trying to improve the support they provide to the applicants, and they recently established a process of onboarding for new fellows whereby recruits and EMBO Officers meet online. “It’s nice to have the opportunity to meet and introduce ourselves so we can all put faces to names.”
It is very rewarding to be able to support some of the best young minds in Europe to do their research
As a scientist, Daniele admits he does sometimes miss active research. “The projects we support are really cutting-edge, using new technologies and new ideas. As a scientist is it a pleasure to read the proposals and listen to the fellows talk about their research at annual meetings. But I also know how much work it is, and how hard and frustrating it can be at times – and I don’t really miss that!”
EMBO has quite a flat hierarchy, and there is always space for you to voice new ideas and get support to develop them. With so many people with different backgrounds, in all sense of the word, there is always someone interesting to talk to!
At EMBO, Daniele enjoys the multicultural, lively and supportive atmosphere. “EMBO has quite a flat hierarchy, and there is always space for you to voice new ideas and get support to develop them. With so many people with different backgrounds, in all sense of the word, there is always someone interesting to talk to!”