Rosy is fascinated by people. As administrative officer in the EMBO Membership and Elections Office she spends much of her time overseeing the annual membership election process. This includes adding new nominations to the members database so that voting members have access to their details for the elections. Recently Rosy has been going through records to check whether members have moved or other details need updating. For some of the older members who haven’t lived out their careers on the internet and may not have much of a digital footprint, this can require a bit of detective work she says. “We still have a few members who were elected in 1964 when EMBO was founded, and they are still going strong!” says Rosy who has a background in history and European matters. “It can be challenging to track them down, but I enjoy it. It is fascinating when you come across someone with such an interesting career and life – and being the best scientists in Europe, so many of our members have done interesting things.” She’s also involved in organizing the annual members meeting, where she loves meeting the members in person.
EMBO is not directly academic in focus but it is a mix of interesting people carrying out interesting roles
Coming from project co-ordination roles in Historic England, the public body that helps care for England’s historic environment, she says the atmosphere at EMBO is somehow familiar. “EMBO is not directly academic in focus but it is a mix of interesting people carrying out interesting roles,” she says. People research and think about things and create something new from that knowledge.” She also greatly appreciates the campus life. “There is a great variety of clubs and social events. And these aren’t just lip service either, but the campus is genuinely lively, which is really fun.” She also loves the location and surrounding landscape. “I mean, every time I look out the window, I am distracted by the beautiful green nature around me!”