This page features some helpful resources for research performing organizations to create and maintain research integrity at institutional level, and for researchers to safeguard good research practice.
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Research integrity
Fostering responsible conduct of research
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Sandra Bendiscioli
- Senior Policy Officer
- + 49 6221 8891 119
- alessandra.bendiscioli

Erica Wilfong
- Policy Officer
- + 49 6221 8891 505
Resources to foster research integrity
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, ALLEA, 2023
- Code of Ethics for Researchers, World Economic Forum Young Scientists, 2018
- Doing Global Science – A Guide to Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise, InterAcademy Partnership, 2016
- Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, 2010
- SAFE Labs Handbook, 2024
- Handbook on Whistleblower Protection in Research, ENRIO, 2023
- Guideline for promoting Research Integrity in Research Performing Organisations, SOPs4RI, 2022
- How to create and implement a Research Integrity Promotion Plan (RIPP), SOPs4RI, 2022
- Mission impossible? A cultural change to support scientific integrity, Schockert et al., EMBO Reports 2021
- Introducing and Establishing a System of Research Integrity Advisors, ENERI 2020
- ENRIO Handbook: Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct, 2019
- Integrity in practice toolkit, Royal Society and UKRIO, 2018
- Investigating Research Misconduct Allegations in International Collaborative Research Projects, OECD, 2009
- The Embassy of Good Science, an information platform
- A review of electronic lab notebooks 2023 (disclaimer at the bottom of the page)
- N Argento, Institutional ELN/LIMS deployment, EMBO reports, e49862 (2020)
- R Kwok, How to pick an electronic laboratory notebook, Nature, 560, 269-270 (2018)
- S. Kanza et al.Electronic lab notebooks: can they replace paper? , Journal of Cheminformatics, (2017) 9:31
- Dirnagl U and Przesdzing I, A pocket guide to ELNs in the academic life sciences, F1000Res 5:2 (2016)
- DMPTool: free, online application to create data management plans
- How to Develop a Data Management and Sharing Plan, Digital Curation Centre, UK
- RDMkit – The research data management toolkit for Life Sciences
- FAIR Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
- Data Management, Resources for Research Ethics Education, UCSD
- Managing and sharing data, UK Data Archive
- re3data: registry of research data repositories
- European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC)
- European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO)
- European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity (ENERI)
- World Conferences on Research Integrity (WCRI)
- Center for Open Science (COS)
- San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
- UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, 2023
- Research integrity: a landscape study, Commissioned by UKRI, 2020
- What researchers think about the culture they work in, Wellcome Trust, 2020
- Governance of Research Integrity: Options for a Coordinated Approach in Europe, EMBO 2020
- Fostering Research Integrity, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017 (free in PDF format)
- UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology POSTnote on Research Integrity, January 2017
- Briefing Paper on Research Integrity: What it means, Why it is important and How we might protect it, Science Europe, 2015comm