Policy Lectures

Policy Lectures address policy implications of science and technology and policies related to the research system

Applications accepted throughout the year


EMBO Policy has funds to offer organizers of a scientific event the opportunity to include a non-scientific talk addressing policy issues of science and technology, including discussions about ethics, economics, politics, and law. Moreover, talks on policy issues related to the research system, such as the assessment of researchers and open science, can be supported.

Examples of themes that could be addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • Genetic and genomic applications
  • Dual-use research
  • Scientific publishing and Open Access
  • Biosafety
  • Science advice to governments
  • Research integrity
  • Research assessment
  • Peer review
  • Open science

Maximum funding: 1,000 euros (for speakers travelling within Europe) and 2,000 euros (for speakers travelling from/to countries outside Europe) to cover travel and accommodation costs. Please note that EMBO will reimburse accommodation costs for maximum two nights.

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