Global Lecture Series

Catalyzing interactions and collaborations between life scientists worldwide

Applications are accepted throughout the year


  • The lectures must take place in at least two different cities*. Exception would be Global Lecture Series in Singapore – the Lecture Series must be held at different institutions.
  • The lectures must be entitled “EMBO Global Lecture” and be featured prominently on websites, if available (e.g. meeting website)
  • The speaker should be introduced as an EMBO Member or EMBO Young Investigator
  • The speaker must give a short presentation about EMBO at either the beginning or the end of their talk.

For EMBO Global Lecture Series taking place beyond Europe*, the speaker must be:

For EMBO Global Lecture Series taking place in Europe, the speaker must be:

    • A leading life scientist based in an eligible location* hosted by at least one EMBO Member, EMBO Young Investigator, EMBO Global Investigator or EMBO Installation Grantee in Europe
    • An EMBO Associate Member hosted by European researchers
    • A scientist from an eligible location* who is an invited speaker at an EMBO Course or Workshop taking place in Europe.

* Eligible locations:

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.