Prisca Liberali awarded EMBO Gold Medal 2022
She is recognized for her exceptional contributions to understanding the formation of intestinal organoids from stem cells and for developing new analytical tools
She is recognized for her exceptional contributions to understanding the formation of intestinal organoids from stem cells and for developing new analytical tools
The neuroscientist is honoured for her exceptional achievements in the life sciences and being an inspiring role model
Exploring iron supplementation to address muscle mass and function loss from cancer
The grant will promote the adoption of preprint peer review for greater efficiency and transparency in scientific communication
EMBO supports hybrid formats to enhance inclusiveness, accessibility, and sustainability of scientific events
The new grantees will establish their laboratories in the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, and Turkey
EMBO congratulates eight group leaders in Asia on their selection
EMBO welcomes 26 new members of the EMBO Young Investigator Network
DNA damage signaling induced by aging telomeres increases the expression of ACE2, the human SARS-CoV-2 cell receptor
Research conducted in mice also identified the underlying mechanisms involving downregulation of a gene that plays a key role in immunity