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Category: People

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Peer Review Week 2019: meet the reviewers

Peer Review Week 2019 focuses on the topic of quality in peer review. Recognizing the central role that the referees play in maintaining quality in the review process at the EMBO Press journals, we talked to five of our reviewers about their motivation to review and the importance of quality and transparency in peer review.

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Member mentoring: building on an existing relationship

As part of the career development opportunities offered by the EMBO Young Investigator network, young group leaders can choose an EMBO Member as a mentor. Three mentoring pairs talked to Kathy Weston about how their relationship influenced their approach to science and running an independent lab.

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Member mentoring: connecting over shared backgrounds

As part of the career development opportunities offered by the EMBO Young Investigator network, young group leaders can choose an EMBO Member as a mentor. Three mentoring pairs talked to Kathy Weston about how their relationship influenced their approach to science and running an independent lab.

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Revealing the changing shapes of proteins

Paola Picotti, one of two recipients of the EMBO Gold Medal 2019, talked to Rosemary Wilson about her work on her work on protein–small molecule interactions and protein aggregation, her fascination with complex problems and the need to feel excited by a topic.

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