Enabling global networking
Members of the EMBO Global Investigator Network came together to present their ongoing research and to interact
Members of the EMBO Global Investigator Network came together to present their ongoing research and to interact
Transparent finances of the EMBO Press journals
Review Commons and Development and Journal of Cell Science launch pilot
An implementation agreement between EMBO and the Japan Science and Technology Agency opens up new opportunities for life scientists
The Maria Leptin|EMBO Science Journalism Fellowships support science journalists and life scientists entering careers as science journalists
Launch of a pilot scheme in the EMBC Associate Member State
Fifty participants learned about EMBO funding opportunities for life scientists
The award recognizes her exceptional achievements in the life sciences and highlights her as a role model
The EMBO Director is awarded for her seminal work with skin stem cells
The group leaders will establish laboratories in the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Türkiye