SourceData and BioStudies bring open data sharing to EMBO Press
SourceData from EMBO is an open platform that makes the data in research papers directly searchable
SourceData from EMBO is an open platform that makes the data in research papers directly searchable
While mutations of the ion-channel CFTR cause cystic fibrosis, its inhibition may serve as a target for addressing celiac disease
How do I choose the best people? How do I negotiate a deal with my university? And how do I set a clear vision and goals for my research and prioritize my own and the group’s time?
EMBO Short-Term Fellowships fund laboratory visits for up to three months. In this series, four Fellows talked to Kathy Weston about how such an exchange influenced them professionally and personally.
EMBO Short-Term Fellowships fund laboratory visits for up to three months. In this series, four Fellows talked to Kathy Weston about how such an exchange influenced them professionally and personally.
EMBO Short-Term Fellowships fund laboratory visits for up to three months. In this series, four Fellows talked to Kathy Weston about how such an exchange influenced them professionally and personally.
EMBO Short-Term Fellowships fund laboratory visits for up to three months. In this series, four Fellows talked to Kathy Weston about how such an exchange influenced them professionally and personally.
EMBO congratulates its member Sir Gregory Winter from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, on receiving the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
This year’s Peer Review Week (10-15 September 2018) focuses on the topic of ‘Diversity and Inclusion’.
EMBO has written to the UK’s Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, Dominic Raab, about concerns that Brexit will damage the scientific ties between the UK and the rest of Europe.