EMBO Gold Medal 2021 awarded to Andrea Ablasser
With the award, EMBO recognizes outstanding achievements of scientists under the age of 40 in Europe.
With the award, EMBO recognizes outstanding achievements of scientists under the age of 40 in Europe.
Learn about newly elected EMBO Member Alex Bateman and his work on protein families.
Learn about newly elected EMBO Member Oded Rechavi and his research on epigenetic inheritance.
Learn about newly elected EMBO Member Kristin Tessmar-Raible and her research on circadian and circalunar clocks.
Learn about newly elected EMBO Associate Member Keiko Sugimoto and her research on plant stress and regeneration.
EMBO announces the election of 64 life scientists to its membership.
With this newly launched website, EMBO unveils its new visual appearance.
EMBO New Venture Fellowship supports early career scientists to explore alternative areas of research
EMBO and FEBS announce Molly Stevens of Imperial College London, UK, as the recipient of the FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award 2021.
Molly Stevens, the 2021 recipient of the FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award, talks to Kathy Weston about her unusual career choices, and her passion for using technology to address health inequality.