Joint statement by the National Academies of the G7 states
EMBO endorses the statement on Russia’s attack on Ukraine
EMBO endorses the statement on Russia’s attack on Ukraine
The neuroscientist is honoured for her exceptional achievements in the life sciences and being an inspiring role model
A list of life scientists across Europe and beyond offering to host Ukrainian researchers in their labs
Exploring iron supplementation to address muscle mass and function loss from cancer
The grant will promote the adoption of preprint peer review for greater efficiency and transparency in scientific communication
Life scientists can benefit from an extended eligibility for EMBO funding schemes until the end of 2022
EMBO supports hybrid formats to enhance inclusiveness, accessibility, and sustainability of scientific events
Meet new EMBO Installation Grantee Karolina Szczepanowska
Meet new EMBO Installation Grantee Katerina Rohlenova
Meet new EMBO Installation Grantee Seyit Kale