
The governing body of EMBO

EMBO Council is the governing body of EMBO, responsible for ensuring the development of the organization. It consists of 15 members who serve for a period of three years and who may be reelected for one additional term of office.

EMBO Council Members 2025

Elected terms of officeNameCountry
2023-2025Silvia ArberCH-Basel
2025-2027Alexander AulehlaDE-Heidelberg
2022-2024, 2025-2027Naama BarkaiIL-Rehovot
2021-2023, 2024-2026David BaulcombeUK-Cambridge
2021-2023, 2024-2026Deborah Bourc’hisFR-Paris
2022-2024, 2025-2027James BriscoeUK-London
2023-2025Ivan DikicDE-Frankfurt
2020-2022, 2023-2025Crisanto GutierrezES-Madrid
2023-2025Johanna IvaskaFI-Turku
2024-2026Zoi LygerouGR-Patras
2025-2027Helder MaiatoPT-Porto
2021-2023, 2024-2026Marta Miaczynska (Vice Chair)PL-Warsaw
2020-2022, 2023-2025Maria Rescigno (Chair)IT-Milan
2022-2024, 2025-2027Brenda A. SchulmanDE-Munich
2024-2026Harald StenmarkNO-Oslo

Ex officio Council Member

Fiona WattDirector, EMBO


Paul NurseSecretary General, EMBO
Nektarios TavernarakisPresident, EMBC
Mark PalmerSecretary General, EMBC
Edith HeardDirector General, EMBL
Lori PassmoreChair, EMBO Membership Committee
Christoph DehioChair, EMBO Young Investigator Committee
Nicolas TaponChair, EMBO Course Committee
Lea SistonenChair, EMBO Fellowship Committee