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Lecture, travel and childcare grants

EMBO Member Keynote Lectures

EMBO Member Keynote Lectures are given by an EMBO Member or Associate Member at a major international scientific meeting. Organizers receive funding to cover travel and accommodation of the speaker, or costs associated with a virtual meeting platform.

EMBO Young Investigator Lectures

Young Investigator Lectures are given by an EMBO Young Investigator at a scientific meeting. Organizers receive funding to cover travel and accommodation costs. 

Global Investigator Lectures

Global Investigator Lectures are given at international scientific meetings by EMBO Global Investigators. Global Investigators are eligible up to one year after their programme membership ends.

EMBO Global Lecture Series

EMBO Global Lecture Series enhance collaboration between scientists worldwide. The series of lectures is given at institutions outside Europe by EMBO Members or Young Investigators, or by leading researchers from outside Europe who visit European institutions.

Policy Lectures

Policy Lectures address policy implications of science and technology. They are given at scientific meetings. Organizers receive funding to cover travel and accommodation costs of the speaker.   

Women in Science Lectures

Women in Science Lectures address issues related to gender and diversity in science. They are given at scientific meetings funded by EMBO. Organizers receive funding to cover travel and accommodation costs of the speaker.  

Travel grants

Travel grants support participants who have been selected to attend a scientific meeting funded by EMBO. Applications and questions should be addressed to the organizer of the meeting. 

Childcare grants

Childcare grants cover childcare costs incurred by participants or speakers of a scientific meeting funded by EMBO. Applications and questions should be addressed to the organizer of the meeting. 

Accessibility grants

Accessibility grants cover additional costs for participants at EMBO Courses & Workshops with access needs. Applications and inquiries should be directed to the event organizers.