Core Facility Fellowships

Supporting training for staff of core facilities, funding international exchanges

Deadline for last call:
31 December 2024

Final report

End of fellowship report

At the end of the fellowship applicants are asked to provide EMBO with a report of their activity at the host core facility, to be sent to .

Please note that you need to indicate your Core Facility Fellowship number and your current address on your final report.

The final report must be submitted to the Fellowship Office within six months after the completion of the visit.  The report should be about two pages, and should summarize the results of the visit and the impact on the home core facility: changes in workflow, new addition to the technique portfolio, involvement in research projects as a result of the new competencies acquired, etc. Upon receipt of the final report, the Fellowship Office will send a certificate stating the successful completion of the fellowship.

The final report must include a letter signed by a legal representative from the home institution certifying that the applicant has returned to work there for at least six months after the completion of the EMBO Core Facility Fellowship and explaining the impact of the grant on the core facilities involved. This letter must be written in English.