End of grant report
Grantees are asked to provide EMBO with a report of their activity at the host institute, to be sent to fellowships@embo.org. Please note that you need to indicate your SEG number and your current address on your final report.
The report should summarize the results as well as possible plans for further work to be undertaken. It may include diagrams, charts or illustrations. Upon receipt of the final report, the EMBO Office will send a certificate stating the start date and duration of the grants, the place the place where it was held, the SEG number and the title of the project developed.
Together with the final report, applicants must provide a letter signed by their home institution certifying that they have returned to work there for at least six months after the completion of the grants. This letter must be written in English.
Both the final report and the signed letter must be submitted together six months after the completion of the EMBO Scientific Exchange Grant.